Friday, May 14, 2010

I think I'm allergic to studying

Was up all night last night, and achieved almost nothing in the way of study. Ran into Dad at 5am - unsuprisingly, he was ready for a rant. Note to self: when you hear a disgusted snort during the morning news, don't ask any questions. Unless you want to listen to a long diatribe on the government and all the ways in which it is shit, why global warming is a bullshit theory that only hippies and assholes believe in, and why you think the Pope is a Nazi.

I am going to see the play Waiting for Godot next Tuesday, which is going to be really awesome, by all accounts. I was charmed to read the following story about Sir Ian McKellen being mistaken for a hobo while in costume on the street (lulz).

In other news, I have been having some truly bizarre dreams lately, which I'm going to attempt to record for future posts.

Later, I think I will post something about my recent immersion in all things Megan Fox, and my thoughts on Michael Bay.


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