Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's a beautiful day to be blogging

Hello, internet!

It's quite cold, so a warm, probably overheating laptop on the knees is welcome. A great time to start blogging, in my opinion.

I'm blogging because, well, I have a lot of ranting to do and I'm afraid that if I don't do it somewhere, I'm next in line for an ulcer or a nervous breakdown. I've tried to rant to my Mum, but she approaches the rant as a problem to be solved, rather than just some verbal abomination I need to birth and then leave on the doorstep of a metaphorical orphanage, like Benjamin Button or somesuch. Mum doesn't understand that the purpose of the rant is to just get the words out so I can move on, rational or irrational - sometimes, there is no solution. Mum's not a ranter. She can't understand it.

Dad's a huge ranter. He's so ranty, that I can't actually release my own rants in his presence because they will become absorbed by his ones and will only make his bigger and more powerful. I imagine Dad's rants to be a lot like the evil planet in The Fifth Element, where the military fires huge, ginormous bombs at it to try and destroy it, but instead it just makes it even more enormous and devastating. That's a Dad rant. I reckon I get trapped by one of his at least on a weekly basis. I feel like I have to sit through them til he's at least had 45 mins to an hour, because clearly he can't rant at Mum, so what other outlet does he have? Seeing as they've let me, their late-twenties spawn, move back to the family nest while I try to finish my education, I feel like I owe them.

I have got friends I can rant to, of course, but I feel a bit guilty about all the ranting I do. I mean, who wants to be talk to someone who is always simmering with rage over some issue or another? BORING. When I started to be known in 2007 for my catchphrase "SO ANGRY!", I decided it was time to maybe cool it on the ranting. I'm not actually quite as angry as I may seem. I just have opinions.

So anyway, it might be nice to shout some of these opinions out into the emptyness of the internet. I get to let off some steam, not unlike a boiler of some sort, and my friends and family get a holiday from my angry. In the interests of public safety, I think I shall begin a rant right away.

Thank you, and goodnight.

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